Find your local support
Find links to country specific associations dedicated to supporting and informing the low vision community.

Comitato Macula (Italy)
The first Italian association of people living with low vision. Website includes videos of personal experiences and SOS Macula, a service dedicated to listen to the needs of people living with macular related conditions and their families, to help find the most suitable solution to their problem.

Fighting Blindness Canada
Canada’s leading private funder of vision research. You can find information on eye diseases, and resources for being newly diagnosed.

Prevent Blindness US
Founded in 1908, Prevent Blindness is the nation's leading volunteer eye health and safety organization dedicated to fighting blindness and saving sight.

Macula Retina Association (Spain)
For people and relatives of those affected by macula and retinal related conditions that cause low vision and legal blindness. You can find information on age-related macula degeneration and more.

Retina Brazil
A non-profit organisation supporting and informing people with low vision. Retina Brazil provide information on low vision conditions, research, the role of genetics and guidance on looking after your eyes and your emotional wellbeing.

Retina France
A non-profit organisation, bringing together people affected by low vision in order to inform and provide social and humanitarian assistance. The organisation shares information about scientific research.

Retina International
A global umbrella organisation for patient-led charities and foundations who support research into rare, genetically inherited and age-related forms of low vision conditions.

Retina New Zealand
A volunteer-led organisation of and for people with low vision, offering peer-to-peer support, services and information about low vision conditions.

Retina South Africa
The only South African association dedicated to helping people with low vision access research and therapies. Retina South Africa offer free counselling, education and guidance on living with low vision. Webinars are hosted on a range of topics across retina related conditions.

PRO RETINA (Germany)
A self-help association of people with low vision. PRO RETINA offers a comprehensive range of advice on diagnosis specific and social topics, aids and much more. You can also exchange ideas with other affected persons in their regional groups.

Retina Switzerland
An association of people living with low vision conditions. Retina Suisse informs and advises affected people, their relatives and the general public, supports the exchange of experiences and mutual help of its members and promotes scientific research in the field of retinal degenerations.
Discover more on the Information Hub

Personalised healthcare
Providing the right care, for the right person, at the right time. Learn more and listen to podcasts exploring personalised healthcare and its potential in low vision.

AMD and DME explained
Explore more information on age-related macular degeneration and diabetes-related macular edema.